This machine learning project uses human activity sensor data to test the predictive capabilities of various machine learning algorithms.
In particular, trees and random forests are used to build predictive models using training data sets. Those models are then applied to test data sets to see how effective they are at determining activity quality as an outcome.
The dataset being analyzed is provided by: Human Activity Recognition
The caret machine learning package is used for machine learning, along with the rpart package for tree models. ggplot2 and rattle are used for visualization.
if(!require(caret)) install.packages("caret", dep=T)
if(!require(rpart)) install.packages("rpart", dep=T)
if(!require(rattle)) install.packages("rattle", dep=T)
if(!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2", dep=T)
missingValues = c("NA","#DIV/0!", "") # recode missing values as type NA
download.file(url="", destfile="data/pml-training.csv", method="curl") <- read.csv("data/pml-training.csv", na.strings=missingValues)
download.file(url="", destfile="data/pml-testing.csv", method="curl") <- read.csv("data/pml-testing.csv", na.strings=missingValues)
Columns which aren't relevant to the activity type, or contain NA values, are removed from the training data set.
# remove columns containing only NA data
removeTrain <- colSums( < nrow(
pml.train.clean <-[,removeTrain]
removeTest <- colSums( < nrow(
pml.train.clean <-[,removeTest]
# remove time stamps and other non-activity data
pml.train.clean <- pml.train.clean[,-(1:5)]
The following variables remain after filtering out NA columns and non-activity data.
## [1] "new_window" "num_window" "roll_belt"
## [4] "pitch_belt" "yaw_belt" "total_accel_belt"
## [7] "gyros_belt_x" "gyros_belt_y" "gyros_belt_z"
## [10] "accel_belt_x" "accel_belt_y" "accel_belt_z"
## [13] "magnet_belt_x" "magnet_belt_y" "magnet_belt_z"
## [16] "roll_arm" "pitch_arm" "yaw_arm"
## [19] "total_accel_arm" "gyros_arm_x" "gyros_arm_y"
## [22] "gyros_arm_z" "accel_arm_x" "accel_arm_y"
## [25] "accel_arm_z" "magnet_arm_x" "magnet_arm_y"
## [28] "magnet_arm_z" "roll_dumbbell" "pitch_dumbbell"
## [31] "yaw_dumbbell" "total_accel_dumbbell" "gyros_dumbbell_x"
## [34] "gyros_dumbbell_y" "gyros_dumbbell_z" "accel_dumbbell_x"
## [37] "accel_dumbbell_y" "accel_dumbbell_z" "magnet_dumbbell_x"
## [40] "magnet_dumbbell_y" "magnet_dumbbell_z" "roll_forearm"
## [43] "pitch_forearm" "yaw_forearm" "total_accel_forearm"
## [46] "gyros_forearm_x" "gyros_forearm_y" "gyros_forearm_z"
## [49] "accel_forearm_x" "accel_forearm_y" "accel_forearm_z"
## [52] "magnet_forearm_x" "magnet_forearm_y" "magnet_forearm_z"
## [55] "classe"
'classe' (a measure of the quality of the activity) is the outcome being predicted.
The provided 'test' data set is further broken into two sets, for training and model testing purposes, while the provided final test data is set aside.
# separate training set into training and test subsets
inTrain <-
createDataPartition(y=pml.train.clean$classe, p=0.1, list=FALSE)
pml.train <- pml.train.clean[inTrain, ]
pml.test <- pml.train.clean[-inTrain, ]
The dimensions of the data sets after partitioning:
# The dimensions of the sets:
dim(pml.train) # training
## [1] 1964 55
dim(pml.test) # testing
## [1] 17658 55
dim( # 'hidden' or final test set
## [1] 20 160
Some visualization of the data is performed to see the complexity of the data and the relationship between some selected variables (e.g. the pitch and yaw of the subject's forearm), compared to the activity class outcome groupings.
ggplot(pml.train) + aes(x=pitch_forearm, y=yaw_forearm, color=classe) +
xlab("Forearm Pitch") + ylab("Forearm Yaw") +
geom_point(shape=19, size=2, alpha=0.3, aes(color=classe)) +
ggtitle("Forearm Pitch and Yaw vs. Outcome")
A tree model of type 'rpart' (recursive partitioning and regression tree) is built using activity quality 'classe' as an outcome and all other variables as predictors.
pml.tree <- train(classe ~ ., method="rpart", data=pml.train)
The structure of the classification tree and criteria can be visualized:
The tree prediction model contains a summary of parameters and estimates of accuracy.
## 1964 samples
## 54 predictor
## 5 classes: 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps)
## Summary of sample sizes: 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## cp Accuracy Kappa Accuracy SD Kappa SD
## 0.03698435 0.5549200 0.43396300 0.03249661 0.04277309
## 0.03947368 0.5477336 0.42445049 0.02824959 0.03788272
## 0.12091038 0.3296200 0.07413283 0.04454737 0.06225282
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was cp = 0.03698435.
The estimated accuracy is 55.49%
Let's see how that compares to actual accuracy on the training and test sets. Activity quality outcomes can be predicted using the tree model and compared with the actual classe variables in the training and test sets.
# percentage accuracy
perc = function(predicted, actual) {
sum(predicted == actual) / length(actual) * 100
t.train.acc <- perc(predict(pml.tree, newdata=pml.train), pml.train$classe)
t.test.acc <- perc(predict(pml.tree, newdata=pml.test), pml.test$classe)
Applying the tree model predictions on the training and test data sets, and comparing the results with the actual activity quality outcome, yields:
57% accuracy isn't great, so let's try a more sophisticated model.
Random forests use bootstrapping and many multiple tree generations to find an optimal solution.
pml.rf <- train(classe ~., data = pml.train, method = "rf");
## Random Forest
## 1964 samples
## 54 predictor
## 5 classes: 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps)
## Summary of sample sizes: 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## mtry Accuracy Kappa Accuracy SD Kappa SD
## 2 0.9333335 0.9156118 0.009572021 0.01209635
## 28 0.9507401 0.9376595 0.008830032 0.01116250
## 54 0.9439861 0.9291123 0.009112155 0.01155805
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 28.
Estimated accuracy is 95.07%
rf.train.acc <- perc(predict(pml.rf, newdata=pml.train), pml.train$classe)
rf.test.acc <- perc(predict(pml.rf, newdata=pml.test), pml.test$classe)
Applying the random forest predictions on the training and test data sets and comparing the results with the actual activity quality outcomes yields:
Summary statistics for performance of the model on the test data set, which was not used in the training of the random forest, gives us an estimate of the sample error and a confidence interval.
pml.rf.test.predictions <- predict(pml.rf, pml.test)
rfcm <- confusionMatrix(pml.test$classe, pml.rf.test.predictions)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
## Reference
## Prediction A B C D E
## A 4981 25 0 1 15
## B 52 3262 103 0 0
## C 0 100 2960 19 0
## D 1 3 89 2791 10
## E 0 23 46 54 3123
## Overall Statistics
## Accuracy : 0.9694
## 95% CI : (0.9667, 0.9719)
## No Information Rate : 0.2851
## P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16
## Kappa : 0.9612
## Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA
## Statistics by Class:
## Class: A Class: B Class: C Class: D Class: E
## Sensitivity 0.9895 0.9558 0.9256 0.9742 0.9921
## Specificity 0.9968 0.9891 0.9918 0.9930 0.9915
## Pos Pred Value 0.9918 0.9546 0.9614 0.9644 0.9621
## Neg Pred Value 0.9958 0.9894 0.9837 0.9950 0.9983
## Prevalence 0.2851 0.1933 0.1811 0.1622 0.1783
## Detection Rate 0.2821 0.1847 0.1676 0.1581 0.1769
## Detection Prevalence 0.2844 0.1935 0.1744 0.1639 0.1838
## Balanced Accuracy 0.9931 0.9724 0.9587 0.9836 0.9918
## Call:
## randomForest(x = x, y = y, mtry = param$mtry)
## Type of random forest: classification
## Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 28
## OOB estimate of error rate: 3.11%
## Confusion matrix:
## A B C D E class.error
## A 555 1 1 0 1 0.005376344
## B 12 356 9 1 2 0.063157895
## C 0 12 330 1 0 0.037900875
## D 0 2 7 310 3 0.037267081
## E 0 3 1 5 352 0.024930748
The accuracy of the random forest prediction model on the test set was 96.94%.
The 95% confidence interval is 96.67% to 97.19%
The estimated out of sample error rate is ~3.41%
Two machine learning algorithms were applied to predict activity quality outcomes from human activity sensor data.
Data was partitioned into training and test data sets and two algorithms, trees and random forest, compared in their efficacy for prediction of activity quality.
On the test data set
The random forest model generated has a 95% confidence interval of 96.67% to 97.19% and estimated out of sample error rate of ~3.41%
Applied to the final 'hidden' test data set, the random forest model successfully predicted 19 of 20 activity outcomes.
The full analysis can be reproduced/generated using the following make target:
make render
The analysis can be viewed at: